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Our most extensive e-book and e-audiobook platform. Download the Libby app to access Extras: ArtistWorks, Classica, Kovels, and Qello.

Read indie fiction by Louisiana authors, with no checkout periods, waits, or holds. Download the app to read on your mobile device, or access on any web browser.

Instant streaming or temporary download of movies, television shows, music, comic books, e-books, and audiobooks to your computer or smart device.

Animated stories are paired with nonfiction e-books on similar subjects to strengthen early literacy skills while exposing young learners to real world concepts. 

Children’s e-books for grades K – 6. Animated picture books; read-along chapter books; National Geographic videos; Spanish & French titles, and graphic novels. 

Digital content for grades 6 – 12. Graphic novels, enhanced e-books with audio narration & highlighted text, classic literature, and National Geographic videos.

Help your early learners build reading skills and prepare for future academic success in preK, kindergarten, and early elementary school.

In compliance with LA R.S. 25:225, Youth (0-17) with restrictions on borrowing digital content cannot access any digital materials available for checkout, including digital content made for children and teens. If you would like your child to access digital materials, visit any Library locations to update their card permissions.